CMF是 CHINA MILLIONS FORUM 的缩写,全称为CMF国际保险精英圆桌大会,隶属于盛世圆桌(北京)文化交流有限公司旗下的品牌。 CMF国际保险精英圆桌大会是CMF保险精英圆桌大会的创新与升级。 CMF创会于2004年中国北京,是源于北京人民大会堂的至高荣誉,亦是世界保险业两大国际性组织之一,每年一届的CMF精英年会于七月隆重举办。 CM会员是一种殊荣,有着严格的遴选标准。CMF始终追求高素质、高品质、高绩效的三高标准,只有在保险销售、客户服务和行业贡献等方面均有突出表现的优秀保险营销人员通过层层考核才有资格获取,CMF所颁发的奖杯证书代表着卓越与荣耀。 经过多年潜心经营,CMF不仅在专业化、人文化、品质化、国际化等方面取得了突破性进展,而且建立起了备受行业推崇的课程体系、荣誉体系、认证体系与赋能体系。 CMF以服务会员为根本,以CMF家文化为传承,活动遍布世界各地,已经影响了数百万保险从业人员。
China Millions Forum (CMF) is a prestige organization which promotes the professional quality of financial insurance practitioners and aim to unites the members to revitalize the insurance industry. CMF was founded in Beijing, China in 2004. It is the supreme honor from the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It is also one of the major international insurance organizations. The annual CMF Elite Annual Meeting is held in July. CMF always pursues a high standard of professionalism, membership is an ultimate privilege. Only the best insurance elites can be qualified through multiple layer of assessment. The trophy certificate issued by CMF represents excellence and glory. After years of concentration on management coupled with diligency , CMF has not only made breakthroughs in the areas of Elitism, Human Culture, Quality, Internationalization, but also established a Recognition system, Curriculum system and Empowerment system that is highly respected by the industry. CMF is highly focused on providing services to its members as fundamental and CMF membership family day as inherited, member activities bring much benefits to its elite members and affecting millions of insurance elites worldwide.
